elbow tour
elbow door handle
tender track elbow

Ideal for

Anyone who works with their hands!  Please see video and directions for application and placement.

Medial Epicondylitis or Golfer’s Elbow, is discomfort localized on or around the boney prominence at the inside of the elbow (medial epicondyle), or in the muscles originating from this region. Just like with Tennis Elbow, you do not have to play golf to have Golfer’s Elbow.

Symptoms associated with this condition include pain and sometimes weakness with forceful bending of the wrist, twisting of the forearm, as well as finger grasping. This condition is less common than lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) but has similar causes, including repetitive stress and trauma.

Activities which may cause these symptoms include swinging a golf club, repetitive turning knobs, working with hand tools, throwing, bowling, gardening and mountain climbing. It is important these symptoms are evaluated by a medical provider to rule out lesions that may refer pain to the inside of the elbow.

Similar to the lateral epicondylitis, treatment of the  medial epicondylitis includes removal of the stress responsible for causing the discomfort with a progression to controlled movement and exercise. This can be directed by physical therapy, occupational therapy, occasionally injection therapy,

Because this inflammation may persist in this condition, it is not uncommon for the cellular makeup of the tendon to change. Instead of having healthy, organized tissue, the cells in the tendon become disorganized and lose their flexibility along with the ability to handle stresses produced with normal muscle contraction.

This condition, called tendinosis, responds best to anatomically appropriate muscle contractions and is worsened by compression. The Tendon Trak™ is the ONLY DEVICE AVAILABLE which does not apply pressure or alter negatively the muscle contraction.

Developed by a Physical Therapist and unlike other counterforce braces, the Tendon Trak ™ uses two approximating pads placed on opposite sides of the irritated tissue providing a “trak” for the tendon/muscle to contract normally through.

This Patented method of support is in line with clinical reasoning as it DOES NOT apply pressure to the irritated tissue in addition to increasing movement efficiency. This method of support results in a decrease in pain allowing for improved function and ultimately tissue healing. The Tendon Trak™ Elbow will fit ANY elbow, left or right.

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